Sanchez statement on Moral Mondays

Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (CA-38) issued the following statement today in support of outraged North Carolinians in response to the extreme, right-wing legislation enacted by Governor Pat McCrory and the Republican-controlled state legislature. “I applaud working families in North Carolina protesting the deplorable policies enacted by the state legislature and Governor McCrory.  Moral Mondays is one of the longest running progressive protests aimed at protecting all North Carolina working families and pushing back against the extremist agenda of North Carolina Republicans. These North Carolinians strongly believe that government has a responsibility to its people to provide good jobs with fair wages, strong education opportunities, basic access to healthcare and assistance for those struggling to get by.”

“Hardworking North Carolinians also have the right to speak up—without the fear of retaliation—when they see or experience injustice.  The North Carolina legislature’s treatment of its citizens is an outrage, and the time has come to restore the expression of free speech and assembly in North Carolina.  I stand in solidarity with the brave North Carolinians who are fighting against Republican legislators’ efforts to steal their livelihoods.  These citizens deserve to be heard without fear of retribution from the very government that is meant to support and protect them.”



Published: July 3, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 12

Jennifer DeKay