Foster Square

Dear Editor: I live near Foster Square at the corner of Foster Road and Woodruff Avenue.

The Square has been allowed to fall into disrepair. It is the ugliest mall around. It is located in Bellflower but it involves our Downey neighborhood because it is the corner mall.

I have talked to Bellflower representatives for months now. I must admit they have been able to get the owner to keep the mall grounds clean and the homeless people do not gather there like they did before, but the parking lot needs to be replaced and the buildings need painting, also half the stores are empty.

Neighbors don’t go there because of the mall’s appearance and fear of their own safety.

Bellflower claims that the owner has submitted plans to remodel the mall, but this has gone on for quite awhile with no results. The owner is supposed to go to court in August and his fate will be determined at that time, but so much could be done before then.

I don’t think we deserve to be treated in this manner. I don’t know of a Bellflower newspaper or I would have written to them.

Donna Siemann




Published: July 3, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 12

Jennifer DeKay