Roybal-Allard and healthcare
Dear Editor:I called Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard's Washington and Los Angeles offices today (Aug. 5) to discuss her views on the current healthcare debate. I was told that although the congresswoman has so far sided with the government option, she is still listening. It is time that the fine citizens of Downey stand up and make their voices heard. President Obama has been repeating the same mantra for months: "If you want to keep your own doctor, then keep your own doctor." This is just simply not true. When employers find that the government option will help their bottom line, they will sign up and there goes your "option." It's hard to understand how this would not take away freedom and choice. In fact, the president's plan will tax you (and punish you) if you decide not to buy healthcare insurance. Mr. Obama apparently only wants choice when it comes to ending the life of a helpless baby. Has Mr. Obama and Mrs. Roybal-Allard really taken a look at the disastrous healthcare systems in England and Canada? Have they not read the survey that reveals that 80 percent of people in the U.S. are happy with their current healthcare? Do they really believe that 46 million people are uninsured? We certainly need to change the system to control costs. However, Roybal-Allard and President Obama are choosing to completely revamp the current system. They believe that, in the long run, we will save money. That is absolutely bizarre. This is liberalism at its worst. Downey deserves to have a congressperson that is looking out for us, not taking away our liberties. - Carl Vesper, Downey
********** Published: August 7, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 16