Looking to escape the heat this summer?
DOWNEY - The air-conditioned Barbara J. Riley Community & Senior Center, located at 7810 Quill Dr., offers many different programs for seniors free of charge.The different physical activities offered include Jazz and Tap classes as well as a Kaiser Permanente Fitness Center. Aside from the physical activities offered, the Senior Center also offers weekly movies on Wednesdays and a social gathering known as the "Downey Seniors" every Tuesday night. These gatherings include dancing and board games as well as an air conditioned place for seniors to come together, relax, and socialize. The Downey Senior Center's most anticipated event is the monthly Café Quill, which allows seniors to have dinner while they experience an entertaining evening of raffles and shows. The next Café Quill will be Aug. 20. For more details on this event or other events offered throughout the community, go online to www.downeyca.org/city_csg.pdf to see the entire Downey Community Service Guide. Stephanie Cobau is a journalism intern for the Downey Patriot.
********** Published: July 24, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 14