Letter to the Editor: Who's the ignorant one?

Dear Editor: 

In response to Charles Gerlach’s letter titled “Reopen Downey Schools.”

Congratulations Charles, on being a 20-year resident of Downey. Not sure what that has to do with your opinion regarding the schools, but here is my experience with DUSD, as a 40+ year resident of Downey.

I am the mother of two of the “mostly ignorant, devoid of any skills necessary for critical thinking” human beings of whom you are referring. I may be slightly biased when it comes to my own, but being around them daily, and spending time with their peers, I disagree with your assessment of what the older generation (inferring from your letter that you are included in that assessment) thinks of kids today.

Because I have two people in the school system, I have been very closely following the decisions made by the school board led by Dr. John Garcia. Because the parents of these people who you referred to as “ignorami,” are truly the people who should be concerned about our children, we have been included in many communications and taken polls sent to us by the district. The parents have been included in this all along, and although not everyone is happy with the decisions, from those polls and talking with other parents, the majority of us are content with the decisions being made.

To be clear, until the mandate from the governor to shut down in-person classes in Los Angeles County, the district was looking to have some on-campus learning. Alas, this was not in the cards. Because of a current state mandate, no children are able to attend in-person classes in LA County, not just Downey kids. This has nothing to do with “lack of independent thinking” by the school board, nor are they trying to “shake down the public for more money.” What does that even mean Charles? Really.

To what “crisis in education” are you referring in your letter? Have you sat in any of the classes lately? Have you seen the dedication of the teachers and staff at these schools? These children who are “devoid of any skills necessary for critical thinking” have actually been taught critical thinking since elementary school, likely the same age when you were taking naps and learning how to tie your shoes. They are receiving a very well-rounded education compared to my own, and very likely yours. 

Let’s be honest Charles, kids today are much less likely to get their “facts” from the likes of the website you listed that makes unsubstantiated claims. “Doctor” Stella Immanuel, by the way, as one of those “frontline doctors,” preaches that sex with demons causes ovarian cysts. Who are the “ignorami” in this scenario? Likely those who listen to that cockamamie hocus pocus.

FYI, Covid-19 is a threat to children. Sure, percentage-wise, it’s rarely as severe as it is in adults, but kids don’t live in a bubble, Charles. They have parents and grandparents that care for them, of whom they still might need around; you know, for food, clothes and a roof over their heads. It’s also a threat to teachers and staff, who also don’t live in bubbles. What happens when they get sick? Who will teach the classes then? Who will care for their kids? I highly doubt someone like yourself would step up to the plate.

The kids are going to be “distance-learning” this coming fall, but they are going to be learning, and going to be just fine. Rather than dismissing kids as “ignorant” and “devoid any skills necessary for critical thinking,” take a minute to shut off Fox News and see the amazing, brilliant, resilient kids that they are. 

And remember Charles, these are the people that are going to take care of you in your old age, as you scream for them to “get off your lawn” and curse them for being foolish. I’m pretty sure these kids today are not the ignorant ones in your scenario. Look in the mirror Charles. It’s you.

Janel Cunningham

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