Letter to the Editor: Unemployment benefits

Dear Editor:

We are advised by our "all knowing" leaders to stay at home and practice social distancing. On the other hand, while they discuss unemployment benefits, that they say pays more than if people go back to work, how can people go back to work and stay home at the same time? 

There are 20 million people out of work because most small businesses are closed or out of business. Our government officials are all getting paid with our tax dollars, and say we are "all in this together" which is not the case as the privileged few are very comfortable. Decent unemployment benefits help people to stay in their homes and fuel the economy.

The stock market should have crashed by now but is being fueled by an elite group of professional gamblers who could care less about the ordinary worker. 

Let’s take care of businesses for the average person at least until this nightmare is over. 

Colin Clarke

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