Letter to the Editor: Remembering Dr. Mary Stauffer

Dear Editor:

I had the privilege of knowing Dr. Mary Stauffer through my membership in the Rotary Club of Downey and by observing her activities on behalf of the Stauffer Foundation. (Disclosure: both of my children were Stauffer's Scholars and Junior 4.0 GPA merit awards recipients and received monetary rewards from the Stauffer Foundation.)

Dr. Stauffer’s philanthropy is  legendary and paraphrasing Winston Churchill, never have so many owed so much to one person. Her philanthropic work is well known in Downey.

The thing that sticks out more in my mind is Mary's vitality. One time we went together to a Rotary District breakfast meeting in Inglewood. We parked on the fourth floor. At the end of the meeting, there were many people on the first floor waiting to get in the elevator. Seeing this, she said, “Let's not wait and take the stairs.” We climbed four floors and at the end she was just as fresh as when we started.

Another time, Warren High students were being featured in a TV program that was taped at 6 am. Much to my surprise, I saw Mary arrive at the Columbia Memorial Space Center where the show was being taped to show her support for the students. She had been at a meeting the prior night until 10 pm.

I witnessed her attendance at robotics competitions and at many activities that promoted and recognized students' accomplishments.

I regret that the Covid-19 protocols kept me from visiting her last year at her retirement home.

She was a strong influence in my life and my children's. She will be sorely missed.

Jorge Montero

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