The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Proposition 1 goes too far

Dear Editor:

I won’t mention the name of the woman defending Proposition 1 in your 10/13 issue for I don’t want to embarrass her, but as a woman, her argument to vote yes is an embarrassment to most clear-thinking women.

The Supreme Court reversed a very bad decision which rightfully threw the abortion issue back to the states. She stated that this made women “second class citizens.” Really?

The truth is that the abortion business makes women something worse than second class citizens for it has made them and their unborn babies into products of a billion dollar industry. California law already allows abortions, but does last week’s reader understand that Prop. 1 grants permission to abort the child all the way up to nine months, so a full-term baby may be put to death even at delivery? Even many Democrats agree that Gov. Newsom and his radical legislature have gone too far. Their thirst for fetal blood is insatiable, wanting this state to be a “sanctuary” for abortions. With current laws on the books, we are already a mortuary state enticing women to come here to have their unborn offspring killed. And paying for it with our tax dollars.

Obviously last week’s writer does not understand how treacherous it is to put to death one’s own child, and yet she calls for women to “stand together to keep our freedoms.” The “freedom” to end the life of the unseen human in the womb is in fact a slavery to evil men (and women) who desire your choice to be death and not life.

California is teetering on being the most evil state in the union, on par with North Korea and Communist China. Please vote no on Proposition 1.

Patti Sharpe