Letter to the Editor: Costly bonds

Dear Editor:

On the last school bond measure, we the taxpayers gave the school district $400 million to build new buildings. I see them all, they’re beautiful and I think it’s money well spent.

Now I’m told the school needs more money for “safe modern schools”? I don’t understand, are the current buildings defective? Are they unsafe? We, the parents, would like to know.

When Measure K was proposed, the interest rate was super low. The interest rate has gone up significantly. I want to see a new calculation on how much my taxes will go up due to this bond measure. Taxpayers deserve those answers otherwise, are we basically writing a blank check for DUSD and hoping for the best?

We just built the new schools so “safe, modern schools” can’t be the reason for Measure K. If the money is going to the kids, then all our graduating 12th graders should be able to get into their first choice of college. All our special needs kids should have a one-to-one aid; 30 minutes of speech a day, 30 minutes of OT a day and a certified behaviorist assigned on site daily. For $400 million our Downey kids can get all that and then some. I can get behind that measure, but that’s not where Measure K fund is going, is it?

I think Measure K will be more painful than the gas tax. Remember that when you vote.

Ana Henins

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