Letter to the Editor: New Way Forward Act

Dear Editor: 

I’m wondering how many have heard of the New Way Forward Act HR 5383. Please look it up on your computer. I just heard of it on Tucker Carlson’s TV program. He could hardly believe it and neither can I. 

This bill will bring back to the U.S. the illegals who have served jail or prison terms in the U.S. and returned to their country. It is estimated this will cost the U.S. taxpayers approximately $1 billion. I think I’m safe in saying that just because they have served their time doesn’t mean they will not repeat and do another crime when brought back. 

California has already downgraded some felonies to misdemeanors and some misdemeanors have been released early. Some of the felons are MS13 gang members, child molesters, sexual predators, robbers and other serious crimes. By the way, what ha happened to the ones who are responsible for the murder of Downey police officer Ricky Galvez? 

I’m wondering where they will live since we see thousands in California sleeping in the streets and, of course, they will have to have food stamps. Even if they find a job, employers can not legally ask if they have been incarcerated. 

Does it strike anyone as strange that New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Sacramento and Los Angeles as the worst places to live? I just read that about 80,000 people left California in 1998. Or that all these cities are the highest taxed? Or that all these cities are controlled by Democrats? One would think that constituents would wise up and maybe try having some Republican leadership. They may not be better, but what would it hurt to try? 

I’m hoping after reading this that those who care about the U.S. will call (866) 220-0044 in D.C. and ask for Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard’s office. Her California phone number is (323) 721-8790. Tell her to vote “no,” we don’t need any more lawbreakers in California. 

Elsa Van Leuven

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