Letter to the Editor: Bloomberg's jealousy

Dear Editor: 

After reading that USC is offering free tuition to students of families making less than $80,000 per year, I thought how wonderful that generous endowments by the rich can make this possible and how much better that Mike Bloomberg, a Democratic candidate worth $56.7 billion, donate to the college and universities instead of spending over $200 million on campaigning for the Democratic nominee to defeat President Trump. 

Bloomberg, with his stoic demeanor, hate and jealousy towards Trump, will never do so even if he spent a billion of his dollars. 

Sadly, the number one item on the agenda of Bloomberg as well as all the other Democratic candidates is to defeat Trump and, with the exception of Biden and maybe Bloomberg, the second item is to promote socialism. 

I find it difficult to see how these want-to-be presidents with their agenda of tearing down our freedoms, destroying our capitalist society, eliminating choices in healthcare, and giving government control of every aspect of our lives can appeal to most Americans. 

Martha Morrissy

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