Letter to the Editor: Meredith Perkins' faith

Dear Editor: 

I’m writing to you in regards to your recent coverage of the passing of our beloved friend, Meredith Perkins. I was indeed lucky enough to call him my friend, and I’m going to do my best to write this letter in his voice, as I hear it in my head. 

I enjoyed your articles about Meredith. They were good, thorough, and heart-felt. But there is one important aspect of Meredith’s life which you omitted, and if I knew Meredith well, the most important aspect. 

He was a devoted member of Messiah Lutheran Church on Paramount Boulevard. I’ll never forget Perk walking out of the church service every Sunday with a twinkle in his eye and a spring in his step. If you knew Perk, you were very familiar with that little dance he did when he was happy to see someone. Although we missed this in his last couple of years, he maintained that look in his eyes and that passion in his heart. 

There was no one more friendly around the church coffee pot, and no one more fierce when something objectionable happened. He constantly sought ways to make people feel welcome at Messiah. Whether you were a long time member or a first time visitor, you talked to Perk on Sunday. 

Although he had been out of public office for some time, Meredith never abandoned his love of service or his savvy people skills. When I became the church president in 2019, you better believe I got an earful from Perk about how things should be done. And I was honored when he proclaimed at one of our Coffee Bean chats that he was happy I was at the helm. (He requested that the church council meeting minutes be e-mailed to him right up until the end.). 

In closing, I want to make sure I mention Perk’s love and respect for all the many wonderful churches in Downey. He did not see us as “rivals”...he thought we should all be working together to spread the love of God and make Downey a better place. 

But I will say this: we were lucky enough to call him one of our own at Messiah. He will truly be missed.

Katie Castellanos

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