The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Inept leadership

Dear Editor:

The recent incidents in Afghanistan are further proof that military might is no match against ideology.

History shows this readily. When we lost the war in Korea, we said that we had achieved peace with honor. What a joke. We have a military presence in Cuba and yet we are unable to stop the pernicious influence of the Castro regime in this continent. We all saw what happened when Saigon fell to the Vietcong. Now we see that we have lost the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban.

Those rebels in Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Afghanistan fought with their hearts while we have fought with our intellect. The facts prove that emotional commitment is more effective against our common sense and goodwill.

The actions of the Biden government proves that ineptitude is not a monopoly of the Republicans. It saddens me to recognize that regardless of their political hue, the only thing that the two major political parties have in common is their ineptitude for doing international business. And we trust our country to them even though we see examples of their lack of capability to govern under changing challenges.

It does not augur very well for the future of the country.

Jorge Montero