Letter to the Editor: Trujillo's allegiance to Gascon

Dear Editor:

I attended the Downey city council meeting Tuesday, just like I have for the last five sessions. Tuesday was the worst.

I’ll say it again, think long and hard why District Attorney George Gascon is a danger to our county. As a police officer, I was offended by a certain councilman who works side by side with Gascon.

Councilman Mario Trujillo acted more like a deputy district attorney at the council meeting than the councilman he is. The interim police chief presented the facts that were requested regarding Gascon’s policies and how they affect Downey. Her report clearly showed that the majority of misdemeanor arrests that Downey PD handles are not filed on, including drug arrests.

Trujillo made it clear to everyone that he did not need to recuse himself from this matter. So what did he do? He followed the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law. Just because you are able to do something doesn’t mean you should.

He is taking the vote of no confidence very personal, and because of it, he went on an attack on the chief, trying to skew her facts and numbers. She was not on trial and no one put a stop to him. This is most unprofessional behavior I have witnessed in a long time.

This goes back to what I’ve been saying: the council is putting the interests of one man over the 112,000 citizens of Downey.

I want to thank the chief for her excellent presentation and for all the work Downey PD puts in. She did not deserve the treatment she got.

The solution is simple, Trujillo: Vote no. Gascon’s policies are dangerous and let’s hope that anyone that voted for him is never put in the position that many victims and their families have been put in.

Mr. Trujillo: his name was Ricky Galvez, not Ricky Valdez. What a slap to Downey PD. As an officer, I’m disgusted that a man who has lived here so long and claims to represent his community doesn’t even know the name of an officer who was killed here in the city he claims to represent.

Bill Adrian

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