Letter to the Editor: Happy birthday, Dr. Stauffer

Dear Editor:

Last week we celebrated the first 103 years of Dr. Mary Stauffer’s birthday. To Downey residents, Dr. Stauffer does not need to be introduced. Her philanthropy is legendary (disclosure: both of my children were Stauffer Scholars and 4.0 GPA merit award recipients and received monetary rewards from the Stauffer Foundation).

From financing Project Lead The Way to provide STEM training for teachers, to buying instruments for the band at Stauffer (nee West) Middle School, to funding the Cyberobic Center which won the Golden Bell award for the DUSD, to providing digital printers for the Rocket Lab students, 

Dr. Stauffer was heavily involved in the education of our youth. The Stauffer Scholars recognition ignited the way for many elementary and middle school students to think about attending college.

She taught  me and other parents how to create 529 accounts to save money for our children's education.

More importantly than money Dr. Stauffer provided moral support to students in their academic competitions. I'll never forget the day when Warren High students were being featured in an early morning TV program when I saw Dr. Stauffer arrive at 6:30 AM to the Columbia Memorial Space Center to show her support for the students featured. 

She was also present at the Robotics Competition at the Stay Gallery and demonstrated to the students with her presence how much she appreciated their academic efforts.

I am proud to have been the first to propose and promote the naming of a school after Dr, Stauffer.

It is now the time to think about changing the name of the city to Stauffer city since, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, never so many owed so much to one person.

My claim to fame is that I know Dr. Stauffer personally and have enjoyed her fellowship for many years as a member of the Rotary Club of Downey.

Let's hope we can celebrate Dr. Stauffer’s birthday for another 103 years.

Jorge Montero

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