Letter to the Editor: Fed up

Dear Editor:

Though I disagree with pretty much all Elsa Van Leuven’s critical views of the America I love, I won’t ask her to “Love it or Leave it.”

I just wonder why she isn’t fed up with all the disrespectful and racist tweets by President Trump about four US Representatives in Congress, Senator Cummings and the city of Baltimore. I do hate President Trump and I am not a Democrat. I have never hated a President before but it’s because I love America and all she represents. A diverse nation build by all races and freedoms I hold dear. The greatest Democracy on earth.

President Trump wants to divide us by race. He doesn’t defend our Democracy on the world stage or adhere to our Constitutional Laws so that is why I am fed up.

Joanne Gallo

Dear Editor:

I have lived in Downey for 50 years. I have always looked forward to reading the Patriot weekly.

I very seldom, if ever, write letters, but this time I was compelled to do so because of Ms. Van Leuven’s comments. I felt she couldn't have been any more accurate if I tried.

All of this free stuff comes at a cost that we, the taxpayers, will have to pay for through higher taxes. Another interesting comment was the ERs having to have 13 different interpreters.

I’m just a longtime resident adding his two cents. I wish you would print my comments, but probably won't.

William Konegni

OpinionStaff Report