Letter to the Editor: Creating controversy

Dear Editor:

The Op-Ed and subsequent “clarification” written by Mr. Rojas and Ms. Reyes was apparently meant to stir up controversy.  What I am struggling to comprehend is why anyone would need more controversy in their lives during these very troubling and frightening times. 

What their words really do instead is shine a light on their own privilege and status. They have chosen to dissect a slice of time that was the most uncertain our school district has ever faced. They are also writing this in the mirror of hindsight, which we know is always 20-20.  

Speaking of 2020, why was it so important to create controversy right now? Why was it so important to create controversy on the night on which there was supposed to be a grand commencement ceremony? 

I feel as bad for Mr. Rojas’s sister as I do for all of the members of the class of 2020. They did not get what they were expecting when they started the school year in August. They had to complete their school year on tiny screens in their kitchens, dining rooms and bedrooms.  They had to attend meetings on Zoom while caring for younger siblings.

They lost their platforms for athletics, the arts and CTE, among other things. They did not get to say goodbye to their friends.  Our Salutatorian did not give a speech.  And yet, they will all prevail.  They have faced adversity and they have been strong for their families. They have provided a valuable lesson to the graduates who have come before and will continue to be a source of inspiration for the graduates who will follow.   

Take note, Mr. Rojas and Ms. Reyes, of the spirit of the class of 2020.  It is not a spirit of controversy, but rather harmony.  It is not a spirit of boastful pride, but rather humility. And please, never underestimate the power of kindness. 

Next time you see your community in need, please reach out to it.  Offer your help and offer a hand.  

Dominique Drechsler
Warren High School

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