Letter to the Editor: City Council applicants not qualified

Dear Editor:

Once again The Downey Patriot has relinquished its responsibilities by not pointing out that none of the candidates described meet the requirements to be viable candidates to fill the empty City Council seat. (“Six Residents Apply for City Council Vacancy,” 4/13/22)

Anthony Felix, Donald LaPlante, Mario Guerra, Patrick Owens, Jeremy Shedd and Victoria Valdez are probably good citizens with good intentions but they lack the sine qua non attributes to qualify as candidates for the City Council

To the best of my knowledge none of the aforementioned individuals have ever:

1. Had arrest warrants

2. Had criminal record of shoplifting

3. Had committed welfare fraud

So how can they be expected to work well with the current members of the City Council?

I suggest that a prerequisite to be a City Council candidate should be to have a record similar to the one of our current Mayor Pro Tem. That way they would be in good company.

Jorge Montero

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