High school sweethearts to wed

DOWNEY - Mr. and Mrs. David F. Monico, of Downey, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jillian Elizabeth Monico, to William Ryan Gutierrez, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gutierrez, also of Downey.A May 2012 wedding is planned. The couple are high school sweethearts and have lived in Downey all their lives. They have known each other since elementary school when Jillian's brother, Nicholas, became best friends with Ryan in second grade. They started dating when Jillian was a freshman and Ryan a sophomore at Warren High School and have been together ever since. Jillian will be graduating this month magna cum laude with a BA in Education from Point Loma Nazarene University. She will continue her education at Point Loma working towards her credential. Ryan is a summa cum laude graduate with a BA in Biblical Studies, also from Point Loma. He is currently employed as an operations specialist at Epiq Technologies. He plans to return to college to get his masters and Ph.D. The couple will make their initial residence in the greater San Diego area.

********** Published: May 03, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 03

FeaturesEric Pierce