The Downey Patriot

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Freedom of speech

Dear Editor: Common sense should indicate that people should not make movies plotting to kill enemy world leaders, and newspapers should not poke cartoon fun at another’s religious god, even if they have freedom of expression and speech.

Suppose it was you. Would you like it? I don’t think you would, so why make fun of someone else just for fun and monetary gain? It’s blasphemy any way you look at it, and stupid to boot.

Innocent people have died as a result of those views. They didn’t deserve to die for the movies or cartoons, no matter how you look at it. It’s stupid, stupid and more stupid.

I thought it was only America that was dumbing down in common sense, but events prove that stupidity and no sense are spreading worldwide. Stupidity has no borders. Take a look at some of our supposedly esteemed political leaders in Washington and elsewhere. This is where we can’t fix stupid but we can vote them out of power if we use good old common sense over party affiliation.

We never had this kind of BS in my younger days growing up, as common sense was very much in evidence everywhere, including newspapers, radio, movies, speech and deeds. For every cause there is an affect, and so many times it is bad for innocent people. It is a breakdown of law and order of the highest magnitude, now that it is evidenced throughout this so-called civilized world. The world needs a mass education of goodness and common sense, both of which are good for all humankind.

Events now transpiring throughout this world have made America weaker, and survival of all humanity is at stake if good people look at evil and do nothing to change it.

Did our American service personnel die in vain to have America become so weak because of political stupidity and correctness? Look in the mirror and see how you voted. There is your answer.

Joe Cvetko



Dear Editor:

I feel so blessed to live in America where we have so many freedoms. With our freedoms, however, we should be cautious and considerate of others when expressing this wonderful right.

Sure, Sony had every right to make the movie “The Interview,” but should they have depicted the leader of North Korea the way they did? Surely a fictional leader would have made the movie just as ridiculously silly. Does this action of Sony’s justify hacking of their computers? Of course not, but had a little discretion been used, a lot of agony might have been eliminated.

With their freedom of expression, the cartoonists in Paris had every right to draw a caricature of the Prophet Mohammad, but should they have, knowing very well how loyal followers of Islam are to their prophet? Do the caricatures depicted by the cartoonists justify murdering 12 people? Most definitely not, and had a little foresight been instituted, perhaps the mass slaughter would not have happened.

Martha Call




Published: Jan. 15, 2015 - Volume 13 - Issue 40