Downey bolsters police force following department assessment

DOWNEY — The City of Downey is expanding its police force and implementing key operational improvements following the completion of a comprehensive assessment of the Downey Police Department.

The assessment, conducted by Matrix Consulting Group, evaluated the department’s staffing needs and efficiency. Findings from the study were formally presented at the Jan. 28 City Council meeting, leading to the approval of additional personnel to enhance police presence and public safety.

As a proactive measure, the City Council had already approved the hiring of eight full-time sworn patrol officers at its Dec. 10 meeting. Following the completion of the assessment, the Council further approved new positions at its Jan. 8 meeting, including:

  • 1 Traffic Police Officer

  • 1 Traffic Detective

  • 2 Officers/Corporals in Detectives

  • 1 Full-Time Office Assistant

  • 1 Full-Time Training Coordinator

  • 2 Forensic Specialists

  • 1 Property Room Technician

The expansion, totaling 17 new positions, aims to improve response times, increase proactive policing, and enhance community engagement. Funding for these positions comes from Measure D, the voter-approved ¼-cent sales tax increase dedicated to public safety, which takes effect April 1.

“Public safety is our highest priority, and this assessment reaffirms our commitment to ensuring that the Downey Police Department has the resources it needs to keep our community safe,” Mayor Hector Sosa said. “Thanks to the voters who supported Measure D, we are able to expand our police force and improve services for all residents.”

City Manager Roger Bradley emphasized the importance of the study’s findings, noting that they provide valuable insights into improving police operations.

Police Chief Scott Loughner highlighted the impact of the expansion, stating, “This expansion is a significant step forward in improving our department’s ability to serve the community. With these additional officers and support staff, we will enhance our patrol coverage, reduce response times, and dedicate more resources to crime prevention and investigations.”

Downey residents can expect an increased police presence and strengthened law enforcement services as the department implements the recommended improvements. City officials will continue reviewing further recommendations from the assessment to ensure ongoing enhancements in public safety.

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NewsEric Pierce