Brookshire pavement to be restored

DOWNEY - A 1 1/4 mile stretch of pavement on Brookshire Avenue will receive a complete overhaul after city officials determined simply patching potholes and filling in cracks was no longer feasible.The $2.3 million project calls for new pavement on Brookshire between Boyne and Davis streets, where the roadway has "deteriorated to a state of disrepair that cannot be handled through routine street maintenance," said public works director John Oskoui. "Specifically, Brookshire Avenue has extensive longitudinal and transverse cracking and numerous patches due to pavement repair and utility work," Oskoui wrote in a staff report. "Therefore, it is recommended that the existing pavement...undergo comprehensive rehabilitation to bring it to an acceptable standard." While the street is being restored, construction crews will make repairs to curbs, sidewalks, gutters and driveway approaches, while adjusting manholes, valve covers and traffic signal loop detectors. Workers will also use the opportunity to upgrade fire hydrants and water lines. The City Council unanimously approved the project specifications on Tuesday and authorized city staff to put the project out to bid. The vote was 4-0 with Councilman Fernando Vasquez abstaining. In a separate item, the council agreed to fund 425 miscellaneous concrete repairs in the eastern half of the city. The project includes nearly 25,000 square feet of new sidewalk; 2,750 square feet of new driveway approaches; 432 square feet of curb ramps; 4,926 linear feet of curbs and gutters; and 8,722 square feet of asphalt concrete pavement. The repairs are expected to cost more than $482,000. The project will be put out to bid. Last year, the city completed similar repairs at 175 locations in the western half of Downey.

********** Published: July 26, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 15

NewsEric Pierce