Tierra Luna

Dear Editor:I read the Mayor's Corner in the Sept. 5 issue of The Downey Patriot to see if there was anything new about a better sounding name for our new shopping area. I saw that Mario put his cell number and stated I could call at anytime. So I called and left a voicemail and he called me back within a couple of hours. He gave me wonderful news and stated it looks like it will be called the Promenade at Downey. I told him that if this becomes true I would vote for him for the rest of my life. He laughed very hearty at that comment. The sooner they make this new name official the better. I would like to say thank you to Mario for all his efforts to make this happen and anyone else who helped. Thank you, thank you! Mike Sandoval Downey

********** Published: Sept. 12, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 22

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