Services set for teacher Mark Child

DOWNEY - A memorial service will take place Saturday for Mark Allan Child, a Downey High School English teacher who died unexpectedly Nov. 8.Child was born in South Gate on May 21, 1960. He was a respected English teacher for 23 years at both Griffiths Middle School and Downey High School, where he enjoyed an excellent reputation among the staff. He also inspired countless students, who came to nickname him the "Grammar Nazi." He leaves behind his wife, Kitty, and his family, who reside in Maryland, California and Arizona. A memorial service will be he held in the Downey High School football stadium Saturday, Nov. 23, from 2-5 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations are requested for the newly-founded Mark Child Memorial Scholarship Fund.

********** Published: Nov. 21, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 32

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