Pro-life poem

Dear Editor:I cry for the children who never see the sun, I cry for the children - God made each one. I cry for the children whose feet never touch the earth, I cry for the children who die before birth.

Jesus' blood on Calvary was shed for every baby which you see - how many unborn babies died in America today?

I wish that we would have compassion for the unborn children of our nation -- how long will this human sacrifice go on?

I cry for the children who never knew each other -- also I cry for their mothers. They will know the forgiveness of God as they come to Jesus and are washed in His love.

I wish that we would all believe: "Children are a gift from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward."

My daddy, John Halstensgaard, was a pro-life activist. One day a woman spoke to him while he was in front of an abortion clinic. She said, "Thanks to you, I am a grandmother now." This reminds me of an old Jewish proverb: "He who saves one life - it is as if he saved the whole world." If even one baby is saved from abortion because you printed this letter, it will be worthwhile. Alan Halstensgaard Downey

********** Published: Sept. 19, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 23

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