PIH Health hosting health fair

WHITTIER - PIH Health will host its annual Community Health, Wellness & Safety Fair on Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Pioneer High School, located on the corner of Washington and Pioneer boulevards.The free event will feature blood pressure screenings, diabetes risk information, bone density screenings to help detect osteoporosis, and a limited supply of flu shots. Childhood vaccines will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to local residents with Medi-Cal (must present insurance card) and non-insured children. Parents must bring their child's immunization record (yellow card) to the health fair. Doctors will be on hand to answer health-related questions, and there will be a blood mobile for blood donations. A variety of organizations will provide information on health and wellness including cancer detection, breast health, emergency preparedness, home health services, nutrition, parenting, stress management, adult day care services, domestic violence awareness, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, and other health and safety topics. For additional information, call (562) 698-0811, ext. 81114.

********** Published: Sept. 12, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 22

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