No on SB 131

Dear Editor:SB-131 is a controversial measure by a Bay Area legislator that would temporarily eliminate the civil statute of limitations for a select minority of child abuse victims -- but prevent the overwhelming majority of victims from ever getting their day in court. This passed in the State Senate and now is being considered in the California Assembly. Please immediately contact Assemblymember Ian Calderon and Assemblymember Cristina Garcia and urge them to vote no on SB-131. The bill says one thing and does another. It says it helps victims and protects children when in reality it does nothing for most victims, nothing to most abusers and makes a mockery of equal protection under the law. SB-131 will prevent most of today's victims from ever getting their day in court. Victims who were abused by teachers or other public school workers are not covered by the bill. Public schools cannot be sued for any abuse that took place before 2009. SB-131 protects the actual abuser from being sued. The change in the statute of limitations only applies to private or non-profit employers like the YMCA or the Church. It does not apply to public schools, other public agencies or even to the perpetrator himself. SB-131 only applies to private and non-profit employers-- like private schools, the Catholic Church, the YMCA, Little League and other, similar organizations. SB-131 does nothing to increase penalties against the actual abuser. The bill increases penalties on private employers, but not on the perpetrator himself. It proposes no increase in prison time, and more importantly, no increase in the criminal statute of limitations that would let victims get the justice they deserve. SB-131 is really a money and power grab by trial lawyers and public-sector labor unions, at the expense of equal protection for all. Please tell your Assemblymember to Vote NO on SB-131. SB-131 does nothing to increase criminal penalties against the actual abuser. What this bill is really all about is lining the pockets of trial lawyers. Brian Heyman Downey

********** Published: Aug. 1, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 16

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