Marian Medal

Jennifer Porras, Joanna Porras, Julia Porras and Erika Rivas, all from St. Raymond's Church, received the Marian Medal in a special liturgy at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels last Saturday. The Marian Medal is a national Catholic award presented to youth ages 12-15 for "outstanding achievement in religious and community activities" and was presented by Monsignor Kevin Kostelnik, pastor of the Cathedral.Some of the girls' activities included organizing a baby shower for Downey's LivingHelp Center and collecting hygiene items to fill over 50 plastic shoeboxes fro the TLC Center. Jennifer, Joanna and Julia attend West Middle School while Erika is a student at St. Raymond School.

********** Published: Nov. 7, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 30

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