Griffiths Middle School celebrates culture of success

DOWNEY - The Renaissance Rally was a trip to success!The usual gold, silver, and blue cards were given out to our awesome and hard working students. Like other renaissance rallies in the past, there was a very creative theme. I had the pleasure of being able to interview the person in charge of our rallies, Renaissance Coordinator, Ximena Ramos. She said "The theme of this year's Renaissance rally is "Travel Your Way to Success", my entire renaissance committee helped with the theme and we all suggested different ideas until we came up with the right theme." When she was asked, Can we be expecting any surprises or performances, she said "We may have dancers from different cultures and ASB will definitely be dressed up to fit the theme!" Gold cards are given to students who have earned a GPA between 3.5 to a 4.0. We had 40 percent of seventh and eighth graders earn a 4.0. Silver cards are given to students who have earned a GPA between 3.0 and a 3.4. Twenty percent of seventh and eighth graders earned a silver card. We're also very proud of 16 percent of our seventh and eighth graders who earned a blue card, which means they have a GPA from 2.5 to 2.9. ASB also gave awards to students who earned a 4.0 GPA. I was also able to hear from a few renaissance card recipients. Eighth grade gold card holder Isaac Cuevas says, "It feels good earning a gold card because you think of all your hard work that paid off." Sofia Campo a seventh grade gold card holder, gave students advice on how to earn a gold card by saying, "Turn in everything and work hard." Silver card holder Naomi Balarezo said, "Earning a silver card was one of my goals for this year and I am very happy that I accomplished my goal." Fernando Fishbach, an eighth grade silver card holder says, "Next semester I am going to try to earn a gold card." Eighth grade blue card recipient Susana Perla said, "If you want to earn a blue card you have to do all of your assignments, turn them in, and pay attention in class." Daniel Castro, a seventh grade blue card holder said, "It feels good earning a blue card, but next semester I want to earn a gold card." There you have it Griffiths students and staff, wise words from our renaissance card holders. We can't wait until next time when our GMS sixth graders join us on our first class trip to success! Editor's note: the story's author, Sami Meza, is a journalism student at Griffiths Middle School.

********** Published: Oct. 31, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 29

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