Firefighters response
Dear Editor:On Sunday, Aug. 4, at about 2 p.m., my grandson Justin Jackson phoned 911 - his grandmother had just finishing eating lunch at Norm's restaurant in Downey and we all could see she needed help now. Every Sunday we meet Cindy, Jim, Jason and Justin for lunch at Norm's. We wheeled grandma Ruth out of the restaurant and here come Downey firemen from Station 4, along with paramedics. They put Ruth in the shade and started checking her over. Her blood pressure was very low - she needed to go to the hospital right away. These men were so kind and talented. They took Ruth to Lakewood Regional and got her into a room before I got there. We are always in Downey for the Civic Light Opera, restaurants, church, etc. Thank, thank you Station 4 firemen. Ruth Schreckengast Bellflower
********** Published: Aug. 22, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 19