Dr. Stauffer's generosity

Dear Editor:If only I had divine guidance, maybe I could come up with words praiseworthy enough to commend Dr. Mary Stauffer for all her many heartwarming acts of love, but I doubt it. Mere words are so inadequate to describe the feeling of gratitude we have in our hearts. The few encounters I've had the honor and privilege to convey a few words of thanks and praise to her, she has been so gracious and humble as to almost bring me to my knees. Dr. Stauffer, we pay tribute to you for being the truly great lady you are and many thanks for all the lives you've touched in a positive and spiritual way with your love and generosity, especially the children. Your life is a shining example to all as how best to invest their wealth and talents. May God grant you His many blessings for being such a wonderful inspiration to all of us. Harold Hougland Downey

********** Published: Sept. 26, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 24

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