
Dear Editor: Thanks to 30 years of Reaganomics, it now has been impossible for middle class families to provide the most basic things for their families. A report from the Center for American Progress showed that a staggering 32 percent of debt increased for most American families.

It has now become impossible for most middle class families to provide the most basic things for their families and that is having a place to call home.

Housing costs have risen 28 percent over the last two years, meaning that the people in this country have no chance to build equity for their retirement. When we got old that was our last hope.

Our houses are gone. Our healthcare system is broke. Wall Street is rich and the president we voted for abandoned us. Now our young are taking on mountains of student debt they can’t hope to repay.

Those people we voted for just simply abandoned us.

Margaret Hittinger




Published: Oct. 2, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 25

Jennifer DeKay