Garcetti announces summer jobs program for teens

Mayor Eric Garcetti and other city leaders announced last week the expansion of Los Angeles’ summer youth jobs program. Garcetti was joined by White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas, City Council President Herb Wesson, City Councilman Joe Buscaino, The Walt Disney Company Chairman and CEO Robert Iger, and representatives from Citibank at a 9 a.m. press conference at YO! Watts, 1513 E. 103rd St.

“My first press conference as Mayor was to announce my commitment to double L.A.’s summer youth jobs program to serve 10,000 Angelenos. Today, I am proud to announce we will reach that goal, because we are working together, public and private, on this strategic investment in our youth and our future economy,” Garcetti said. “Too often, young people can fall behind during the summer when school is out. But our summer jobs program makes sure summer is a time for young people to get ahead by earning a paycheck, job skills, and financial education.”

The Walt Disney Company is partnering with the program through a $1 million commitment.

“We applaud the mayor’s commitment to leveraging the strength of both the public and private sectors to serve the youth of Los Angeles,” Iger said. “Disney is proud to play a leading role in this effort with a $1 million donation to this year’s Summer Youth Programs to create opportunities for thousands of young people to gain skills and experience and participate in a wide variety of activities that will help them build bright futures”

Companies interested in sponsoring or creating jobs or contributing funds, as well as youth interested in applying for summer jobs should go to



Published: April 17, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 01

Jennifer DeKay