
Dear Editor: Congratulations to Dr. Stauffer and Rosalie Sciortino.

As most of you know, a Downey middle school has been named for Dr. Stauffer to honor and show appreciation for all she has done for Downey students but that’s not all she’s done for Downey. She’s been a beloved family physician and long time supporter of Mr. John Hume and the founding of the Downey Children’s Theatre.

She not only supported the fledgling group with her time, she saw to it that her children were involved on stage and off. She and her husband were series ticket holders and active on the Administrative Council. Her home was a gathering place for her children’s friends.

This was in the “golden days” when the plays and musicals were performed on the stage of Rio Hondo Elementary School.

She is a lovely, gracious lady and deserves all the accolades we can send her way. It would be fun if some of the folks who knew her then could send some memories. She’s done so much more than provide scholarships.

Next I want to send to Rosalie Desimone Sciortino acknowledgement and praise for her published submission of poetry to the “Mail Box” of the current edition of “Westways” magazine (page 6). Rosalie has years of dedicated participation  in the Downey Symphony Guild and the Downey Writers Club, winning prizes there for her entries. She, too, has been a gracious hostess for many meetings and support for many.

I know this is just two of the wonderful volunteers that makes this city a place where people want to live.

And finally I want to express my appreciation for The Downey Patriot. How fortunate are we to have a hometown paper. Thanks to all of you that put this paper together every week.

Pauline Hume




Published: Sept. 11, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 22

Jennifer DeKay