City hires consultant for downtown BID

DOWNEY – The Downey City Council hired a consultant this week to guide the formation of a business improvement district in Downtown Downey, which would help fund special events and additional services such as street sweeping and security. In a business improvement district (BID), local business owners pay additional taxes or levies to fund enhanced services specific to their area.

“With the rapid growth of Downtown Downey, staff has found an increase in the demand for certain services in the area, including street sweeping, steam cleaning, security, public art, etc.,” said community development director Aldo Schindler. “While the city currently provides regular general services to the downtown area, it is essential that alternative sources be studied to provide continued funding for special services the downtown requires to maintain its vitality.”

Council members selected San Diego-based New City America to begin the BID process. The firm was recommended by Porto’s Bakery and will be paid up to $70,000.

New City America will begin work on a BID work plan in December, followed by proposed budgets in February. If everything remains on schedule, public hearings would be held between April and July.



Published: July 10, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 13

Jennifer DeKay