Downey swap meet

Dear Editor: After a long history of providing funds to our local schools, it has come to my attention that the old reliable Downey swap meet is about to be closed.

Besides being a resident here in Downey, I am also a vendor at the swap meet. Luckily, I have a job as an educator that has a small satellite and home theater business, so I don’t really need to be at the swap meet but I am there to meet with my clients.

Most of the other people, however, are not as lucky. They rely on what little they make there. But as little as they make there, by paying for their spots, they contribute to our students on a weekly basis. Each vendor pays $35 for each space, each week. There are about 200 spaces used on a Saturday, bringing a yearly total of anywhere between $175,000 to $200,000 for our schools.

We are talking a brand new computer lab, a brand new edition of textbooks, sub time for a teacher so they can take their classes on field trips. As you can see, this is real money that our schools don’t seem to need anymore.

I have two children here in Downey, and I know their schools are always looking for extra funds.

I think our students, parents and vendors need to know the reasons for this closure. I surely hope there were no back-room deals between politicos and business people for the sole reason of adding profits for favors at the expense of our children.

Nelson Palencia




Published: April 3, 2014 - Volume 12 - Issue 51

Jennifer DeKay