Warren High named a distinguished school
DOWNEY - In recognition of its exemplary programs, Warren High School will be recognized as a California Distinguished School at a regional ceremony May 13.The California Distinguished School program evaluates individual schools' progress and successes in addressing the needs of all students closing the "Achievement Gap." Each year, all students in the state participate in Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR testing). The results and analysis of these assessments, together with other rigorous criteria, determine the eligibility for schools to be invited to be considered for the Distinguished School honor. In addition to the Distinguished School honor, Warren High received "Exemplary Program" recognition in the area of Career Technical Education. In addition, Warren is waiting for official notification of two more "Exemplary Program" awards. The additional awards are for "Arts Education" and "Physical Activity and Nutrition." With these additional awards, Warren High will become the only school in California to be recognized as a California Distinguished School and receive exemplary program awards in all categories.
********** Published: May 2, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 03