Walmart in Downey?

Dear Editor:How come no one is talking about a Walmart being built at the new Tierra Luna site? Who at City Hall snuck this one in? Walmart not only tears down prices which tears down local businesses, the mom and pops if you will, it also tears down workers rights to make a decent living wage, and basic benefits like healthcare. In addition, it adds considerable blight to the community. We all receive emails poking fun of people who shop at Walmart; this is how people will perceive Downey from this point forward. Come on, people, stand up for your rights and your city. Diana Owens Downey Editor's note: While Walmart is a rumored prospective tenant of the Tierra Luna development, the opening of a Downey store has not been officially announced.

********** Published: July 4, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 12

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