Upcoming symphony season promises excitement

DOWNEY - If "EXCITING!!!!!" (five exclamation points minimum) sounds like overkill in describing a coming theater event, it probably is overkill. You see that a lot.So let's just say modestly that "EXCITING!!!!" (four) is an honest assessment of the programming for Downey's next Symphony Orchestra concerts, just announced by Music Director Sharon Lavery. Each of the concerts in our orchestra's new season (the 56th!!!!) will offer special flourishes and color, and here is a small sampling. On Saturday evening, Nov. 2, for instance, The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra features, as narrator, the lucky local citizen who bids highest for that opportunity at the Symphony's garden party, coming up on Sept. 22. It could be you!!!! On Feb. 1, 2014, we are delighted to catch a rare return appearance by the glamorous Elizabeth Pitcairn, who simply wowed the audience in 2010 playing her famous Stradivarius, the one called The Red Violin, This time Elizabeth performs Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" (as in winter, spring, etc.), wearing a different gown for each, and no one could do it better, guaranteed. Then, watch out for April 5, 2014. Ginastera (Argentina), Moncayo Garcia (Mexico), Navararro (Spain)!!!! Remember our friend, Oscar Navarro? Lives in Madrid, composes film scores, wrote the stunning "Downey Overture," dedicated to us... it's all part of the electricity generated by your city's fine metropolitan orchestra, and you don't want to miss any of it. Put the dates on your calendars: Nov. 2, Feb. 1, April 5, check us out at downeysymphony.org, and get ready for "EXCITING!!!!"

********** Published: May 30, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 07

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