Transitional housing

Dear Editor:Regarding "City Moves Closer to Allowing Transitional Housing" (The Downey Patriot, 4/25/13), I'm concerned that the citizens of Downey have not been made aware of this and it appears that if we want to know more we can come to the next City Council meeting where it will be explained to us. We may ask questions and then it will be voted on. I'm asking that the city give us more time to consider if we want it and what impact it will have on our city. I'm wondering, if this has been around since 2007, why have we not heard about it sooner? I do not like the idea that the state can just mandate what will happen in cities. Downey already has several low-income housing projects. Tell me, does Bel Air, San Marino, etc. and other wealthy communities have to comply with SB 2, or is it just the cities that can't or won't turn down government grants, i.e., borrowing or given money by a federal government that's close to $17 trillion in debt with no way to pay it? I'm looking forward to the City Council meeting and strongly urge council members to put off a vote on this until the citizens have the facts and see if this is what we want. Elsa Van Leuven Downey

********** Published: May 2, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 03

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