It's official: Downey and Roscommon, Ireland are sister cities

In Ireland for official city business, Mayor Mario Guerra on Thursday met with Roscommon County, Ireland mayor Tom Crosby and its CEO to sign papers making official a sister city relationship between Downey and Roscommon County. Guerra presented Ireland with an original portrait of John Gately Downey, done by Maureen Gaffney Wolfson. The portrait depicts Downey and the space shuttle Endeavour flying over city hall, the Columbia Memorial Space Center and the Rives Mansion.

John Gately Downey was born in Roscommon and immigrated to the U.S. in 1841. Twenty years later, he became California's seventh governor.

Guerra said he plans to visit the ruins of Downey's childhood home tomorrow.

In the photo above, Guerra is wearing a 200-year-old pure silver "Great Mayors Chain" that has every Roscommon County mayor's name listed on each link.

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