Fire union tactics

Dear Editor:This letter is in support of Fire Chief Lonnie Croom and his excellent character. As a 40-year resident of Downey, I have seen and experienced more than most in this community. I am appalled but not surprised that a union would try to discredit his reputation and years of knowledge. But that's what self-serving unions do when they don't get their way. As an educator, we call that bullying. I chose to live here after graduating from Downey High because of three reasons: 1) top notch school district (which my children attend), 2) homes here have the highest value of any of the surrounding cities, and 3) our own independent police and fire departments. These are the same reasons I hear from my fellow residents and, as a realtor, from people looking to buy in our city. I concur with prior statements that home values stay high because of Downey Unified, our private police and our private fire departments. That could change drastically if we were to go L.A. County. Response times for all calls I have ever made for paramedics is fast and the personnel are good, caring individuals and many are "homegrown" employees. I agree with Mr. Souza that the union needs to be disbanded. They have lost sight of our best interests. Did you read about how ballot signatures were obtained at grocery stores? Union members were using false information which is a scare tactic; that's what bullies do. They were on school campuses to tilt the scales for a prior election. I feel these people are not honest or ethical and we cannot be blind come election time next year. I will say that these are the good people who help our citizens in emergencies but they are making bad choices for the city, as well as attacking Chief Croom's reputation, just because they are not getting their way. If you are unhappy as an employee then there is plenty of opportunity to go elsewhere. Go! Do not berate the good character of a man or woman who has served this community well. Do we listen to our children when they are unhappy and want us to do as they say? Certainly not. We act as an educated parent or adult and make good decisions based on fact and experience. I ask that you use your good judgment for our city when making this decision. Not for a group of individuals. Think about that. Dorothy Pemberton Downey

********** Published: June 20, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 10

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