The Downey Patriot

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Missing trees

Dear Editor:I am very disappointed, along with some neighbors that I have spoke with so far, that our trees on Stewart and Gray Road were cut down today (Jan. 9). I wake up to find that the trees across the street were cut down, then a few hours later, someone knocks on my door asking me to move my car since I was parked under a tree on my side of the street. When I inquired for the reason why the trees were being cut down, the person simply told me that the city had hired them to cut down the trees so the curbs and sidewalks could be fixed. Personally, I do not recall receiving any information about the plans. A heads up would have been nice; a letter stating the plans, a phone call perhaps, even a flier would have sufficed, instead of waking up to a big surprise, the street without trees. In the future, I would highly encourage the city of Downey to give the residents of a neighborhood a notice ahead of time if there is work to be done in their area, that way they will not be waking up in the morning or arriving home in the afternoon to find a big surprise and thinking "what the heck happened?" Guillermo Vazquez Downey

********** Published: January 10, 2013 - Volume 11 - Issue 39