Manzanar parking

Dear Editor:In regards to the letter about concerns with extra traffic and street parking with the new development of housing behind Chris & Pitts, there are many concerns. We, the neighborhood citizens on Manzanar Avenue, see nothing but trouble. On a daily basis we get our share of overflow parking from the apartment dwellers on Brookshire. On the weekends, cars are parked for days at a time, and forget about holidays. We would like to know why something can't be done to utilize both sides of Brookshire for parking. The street adjacent to the freeway should be cleaned up of trash and weeds so that parking can be allowed on that street. This would eliminate extra cars parked on our street daily. Isn't Manzanar zoned for single-housing? And if so, why are there multiple families living in the houses requiring multiple cars? We want our street back. Manzanar Neighbors Editor's note: the above letter was submitted by a group of residents residing on Manzanar Avenue.

********** Published: November 15, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 31

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