Downey teen completes Eagle Scout project

DOWNEY - Kyle Hirsch, a Boy Scout from Downey Troop 441, completed his Eagle Scout project by recruiting a team of 40 volunteers and painting 101 light poles and street posts throughout the city.The work was done in neighborhoods near the Rio San Gabriel Riverbed, between Florence Avenue and Firestone Boulevard. Kyle, 16, has been with Troop 441 since age 11. He has not only attended many camps with the troop - including a 50-mile hike in the Sierras this summer - but participated in the World Jamboree that took place in Sweden in July 2011 and as a staff member at the Boy Scout National Youth Leadership Training the past two summers. Kyle painted 101 poles as a nod to the fact that he is on target to become the troop's 101st Boy Scout. He attends Santa Fe High School where he is an honor student and competes on the cross country and track teams.

********** Published: January 24, 2013 - Volume 11 - Issue 41

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