Shared Stories: Square dancing at Seattle's World Fair FeaturesStaff ReportJanuary 11, 2018Shared Stories
REVIEW: 'The Greatest Showman' is a feel-good spectacle Entertainment, FeaturesAlex DominguezJanuary 3, 2018
Meet Downey Art Coalition co-founder and VP, Carolina Del Toro FeaturesAlex DominguezDecember 21, 2017Carolina Del Toro, Downey Arts Coalition
REVIEW: The Last Jedi still entertaining despite questionable plot choices Features, EntertainmentAlex DominguezDecember 20, 2017Star Wars
UCLA alumni group collecting teddy bears for youth cancer patients FeaturesStaff ReportDecember 12, 2017UCLA
Shared Stories: My Family's Journey to Korea and Manchuria FeaturesStaff ReportDecember 5, 2017Shared Stories
Things You Didn't Know About Downey: Military planes FeaturesBobbi BruceNovember 30, 2017Downey Historical Society
What It Means To Be Part Of The Team: The Amber Cavazos Perspective FeaturesStaff ReportNovember 30, 2017Famous DJ Agency