Winterformal 09'

DOWNEY - The night felt short for Warren High School student's as they danced the night away at Sirona's at Santa Anita Race Track from eight to midnight on Jan 31st. The theme of this year's Winter Formal was "A Midwinter Night's Dream" hosted by Warren's Associated Student Body (ASB)."The venue for Winter Formal was beautiful," said Warren High School student Stephanie Garabay. The venue was set up as an indoor dance floor, but offered a view of the many glistening lights, and a fountain outside. Before reaching the dance floor, students walked across a red carpet, which gave it the Hollywood feel. "The dance floor was spacious which made it great for a night of fun and dancing," said Garabay. "I had a lot of fun with my best friends." The night was full of fun for many, particularly seniors, it being their last year of High School. Some of the students that attended both Homecoming which was at the start of this school year and Winter Formal, thought Winter Formal was in a much better location, not only because it was far from home, but because there was more space on the dance floor. "It was so much fun definitely a memory I will never forget," said Garabay. "We decided to get a limo because we wanted to have a lasting experience from our senior year and the limo was definitely that experience." The fact that the location required approximately 30 minutes drive time, it gave the opportunity to those students that were interested in riding a limousine to the dance, to do so. "The fact that we had more space on the dance floor, made it comfortable to dance," said Warren High School student Nilda Alecio. "At Homecoming we didn't have enough space to move which made it uncomfortable." For many, space on the dance floor was an important factor as to how the night would turn out, and the fact that there was a sufficient amount of space brought lots of satisfaction. Throughout the night students had the opportunity to take pictures, administered by Sanford Studios, Inc. This year, the company introduced a new feature. Students had the opportunity to choose from the backgrounds offered while using a green screen, which allowed them to create their own custom pictures. "Compared to Homecoming, the line for pictures was a lot shorter," said Alecio. "And we were introduced to a new gadget that allowed us to customize our pictures to our preference." "I was a little bothered by the fact that it smelled like horse feces," said Alecio. Despite the fact that the venue was at a race track, many students enjoyed this night, and look forward to the next school dance. ********** Published: February 6, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 42

EventsEric Pierce