Where is Downey Dave?

Dear Editor:The other day my boys and I were driving down Paramount Boulevard near McDonald's and my middle son asked, "Mom, what happened to the guy with the baseball hat?" I told him I didn't know but I hadn't seen him in a long time. The man in the baseball hat my son was referring to has been called "Downey Dave." I have also heard people refer to him as Bob. He is the guy that wore the baseball hardhat and would carry a hammer around and take out the nails in the telephone poles. I really don't know what his name is. I don't think he was homeless but he would just walk all over Downey. When I ran the snack shack at Apollo Park I would always give him a couple of hot dogs and a soda. He was always so grateful and would offer me anything he had in his pocket, whether it be a penny or a tool, he always offered to pay me something. I would tell him it was free and he was just so grateful. I was just wondering what happened to "Downey Dave." - D. Eidinger, Downey

********** Published: July 29, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 15

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