What are we celebrating?

Dear Editor:One has to wonder how our state legislators and government decide whom we should honor. Due to their actions, California will set aside a day in October to honor Harvey Milk in our public schools. Other than having been a supervisor in San Francisco and was shot, I know of nothing he has said or done for which he should be honored. Yet this is just what the legislators and the governor have done. Yes, this is the same incompetent group that apparently haven't the ability to or don't want to control spending, putting us deeply in debt, and their answer is to tax anything they can dream up. Perhaps their time could be spent in a better way. Now consider this. I read in The Downey Patriot that we're having another holiday parade. Once upon a time, December 25 was set aside to honor the birth of Jesus Christ. That was before social engineering took over. What were some of the notable things attributed to Him? He gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, healed the sick, fed the hungry, and preached peace on earth, taught love, kindness, mercy, forgiveness and honesty. No, He didn't get shot, but He did suffer and die on a cross for our sins, then asked God to forgive those who condemned Him to death. Yet, strangely enough, His name can't be mentioned in the public schools - no Christmas carols, no manger scene and no celebrations honoring Him. Each year we have a holiday parade but no one can explain to me (this is the third time I've written about this) why we have a holiday parade and we don't know which holiday we're celebrating. Merchants depend heavily on what is termed "Black Friday" to get them out of debt. The Downey Chamber of Commerce and merchants should hang their heads in shame for not honoring His birthday celebration. I'm told this is winter break holiday and what once was Easter (Resurrection Day) is now spring break. Why don't we have a big holiday parade for spring break? Why don't we have a big holiday parade for summer break and fall break? Maybe we should name this parade the Merchants' Day Parade! Please, Chamber, explain this. I'm asking that Christmas hold a place in our society as it once did. I realize not all believe in Christ, so let them celebrate their holidays as they wish but let Christmas be celebrated. I do believe Christ has much better credentials to be honored than Harvey Milk. Perhaps the legislature should stick to the important duties required of them - run the state in a competent way when legislating, be fiscally responsible and revisit the Harvey Milk Day and remove it from law. - Elsa Van Leuven, Downey

********** Published: November 27, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 32

OpinionStaff Report