Water rates

Dear Editor:The City Council is at it again; they are never satisfied until they extract the final drop of blood from homeowners in Downey. They have proposed a water rate increase that is quite large if you look at the numbers and project what your rate will actually be. The typical example they give has to be for the person that waters their lawn sometimes, has no desire to make their property beautiful and takes a bath once in a while. When I figured out my bill using my usage rates, I find my usage is not near this example. I found that my bill will increase 36% the first year and even if yours does not increase this much, you will experience a 17% increase each year for the next four years. The two summer months are quite an increase at about 200% increase the first year, in my case about 400%. I was saddened when I found only 18 letters of protest were written in opposition of the unfair sewer tax. This tax charges us a tax for water that does not even go down the sewer. Think about it, when you water your lawn, you are paying a sewer tax, unfairly, in my opinion. What the City Council is actually doing is freeing up funds in the General Fund that they normally used for water system maintenance and then they can spend it on their pet projects that sometimes are not in the best interest of Downey's citizens, especially in hard times such as these. Just think of all the medians Downey installed that must be watered and maintained because of pet projects. Who is going to pay for that water at increased rates? I don't know of how many articles I read suggesting something cheaper to maintain, with no ears to hear. Freeing up sewer costs in the General Fund is probably where the money came from to demolish Gourmet Café and "revitalize the Downey area" with new shops. Yes, I know a lot of people will tell me to conserve more and more and it is only my problem because I use too much water. I can see that I do not water my lawn more than my neighbors. But please look at the numbers and then you decide. Don't take their example as what you will be paying. Folks, if we don't watch the politicians, they will be taxing us for groceries, doctor visits, and every other service that we purchase. The city of South Gate already has a city tax that is added to the sales tax. As a result, I vowed never to spend money in South Gate. Consider writing letters before the end of the month. Instructions are included in your last water bill. -- Larry Drake, Downey

********** Published: June 23, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 10

OpinionStaff Report